Monday, July 28, 2008


I am trying to register for fall classes to try to graduate from college after oh, 20 some years!  What an exhausting process.  I went from taking 12 credits this semester and graduating next to two classes this semester and oh, maybe I'll graduate next.  After finally deciding what to take and getting it all situated, I finally got to the point of picking classes only to find that only 1 of the 4 classes I wanted to take are available.  How discouraging!  Oh well, I do get to take a watercolor class - something I've always wanted to do.  I guess all things work together for good and this is what I am supposed to do right now.  Emily finished her work at firehouse yesterday.  She will finish up dance class tomorrow.  More endings, but a new beginning ahead: college!  We are all excited about the new opportunities and friendships she will find.  Also, counting the days until the big wedding!  We all have much to be thankful for!  God is good.