Saturday, February 19, 2011

Zippered Pouch

I finally made the long awaited zippered pouch.  I used directions from here:, thanks, Erika!  I was pleased with how it turned out, however, I would like to try to make one so the sides could be longer; not just end where the zipper ended.  I will have to work on that.  The pouch is now my new make-up bag for my purse and it is working out quite well as the last one I was using was to small, didn't zip, and everything just fell out. Not sure what the next Goodwill fabric project will be.  Pillow covers, curtains, table runner, more purses, bags, much to sew, so little time!

1 comment:

Em said...

yeah! you updated! so i just want to say i posted about reading, and at the end I said-so much to read so little mother like daughter!