Monday, March 28, 2011

Square Foot Garden, The Seeds

So, we have the box, dirt, and grid to block out each square foot in the box.  Next, we plant the seeds.  We decided to plant veggies in the first box.  I planted radishes, two different kinds of lettuce, and beans.  According to the distance of how far apart you are to plant the seeds, determines how many plants will be in each square foot.  So, the lettuce will have 4 plants in each square foot, the radishes will have 16 plants in each square foot, and the beans will have 9 plants in each square foot.  The radishes popped up pretty quickly and the lettuce soon followed.  I have yet to see a bean but they take longer to germinate.  I also planted two different tomato plants in pots; one cherry tomatoes, and one a slicing tomato.  I planted cilantro and basil in smaller pots.  The basil has popped up but the cilantro will take awhile as I spilled the dirt and had to replant the seeds.  I will probably move these to a square box when they get bigger and I have another one made.

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