Saturday, March 27, 2010


I like to do crafts, but I haven't been doing any for a long time. My life has taken a different turn in the last few years and so has my interests. When my children were little, I used to sew and craft all the time. Since they have grown up I don't have much opportunity to make fun stuff anymore. It doesn't mean I still don't enjoy crafts, and I suppose our new hobby of fixing up houses involves the same skills as crafts. Design, color, making something from scratch. I like using my hands and art. I still have hopes of making fun stuff again someday. Until then, I have several bookmarks of craft blogs, websites, etc. that I still use and look at on occasion. One that I want to share with you is Mirkwood Designs. It has a lot of paper templates for boxes, cards, etc. Maybe you will find something here you would like to make!

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